Duke Togo, a.k.a. Golgo 13, is a highly-skilled assassin hired only by those who pay top-dollar for his services - whether it's the FBI, CIA, industrial corporations or mafias. Regardless of who the target is or what situations he encounters, Golgo 13 always gets the job done. "Golgo 13," while being my favorite comic book character (although he is not likable; after all, he's an assassin), has not for the most part received very good, faithful screen adaptations. For the uninitiated, Golgo 13 is the alias of Duke Togo (also, probably an alias, but people seem to know his name routinely), the world's deadliest assassin and foremost sharpshooter. Now, TokyoTV has made a very faithful, beautifully rendered, decently animated animated series based on the long-running manga. I would recommend this for fans of manga/anime, comic books, and assassin/action movies and even mysteries. The episodes are self-contained and even non-linear, much like the comics. Catch this sweet show on the video-hosting sites, someone is in the process of translating them all into English, Spanish, and French.
Jewelabyg replied
338 weeks ago