A machine that looks human is sent back in time to the late 20th century. His mission is to kill Sarah Connor and her unborn son, John Connor. Doing so would result in having John's entire existence destroyed so he won't exist to help the humans fight a war against the machines. Kyle Reese, one of the soldiers in this war, has been sent back in time to stop the Terminator. In the future, Skynet, a computer system fights a losing war against the humans who built it and who it nearly exterminated. Just before being destroyed, Skynet sends a Terminator back in time to kill Sarah, the mother to be of John Connor, the Leader of the human resistance. The terminator can pass for human, is nearly indestructible, and has only one mission, killing Sarah Connor. One soldier is sent back to protect her from the killing machine. He must find Sarah before the Terminator can carry out it's mission. Does anyone know what the police means by "rabitting" when he spots Kyle Rees stealing pants off a bum? I googled it but found nothing tut resembles anything that looks in context with the scene from the movie<br/><br/>Email me if you know please !! johnharries11@gmail.com<br/><br/>Thanks!! This is one of the FEW Sci-Fi movies I have watched over and over and over and (you get the point (others like it are CONTACT))… Although the plot is highly unrealistic (at least I think so), it makes you think "Do we entrust computers with too much? Should we make them so "smart" that they can do most stuff for us?" This is one of the movies where I am impressed with Arnold… He plays his role almost PERFECT (hardly any lines, just a cold, rutheless killing-machine). And Linda plays her role exelently too.<br/><br/>The movies has a lot of everything needed for a good action flick: lots of action, lots of explosions and lots of chasing/stalking (and a tad of love), but it manages to balance in the grey area between too much and too little, making this a true masterpiece.<br/><br/>The story of a world overrun by 'borgs, using the few remaining "fleshies" as slaves can easily get boring, but this movie keeps the excitement up from beginning 'till end… (Not too gory to watch with your girlfriend, but not too lovey-gooey to watch with the guys (have you seen 5-6 guys gathering for a night of a few beers, some pizza and Titanic?))<br/><br/>There aren't many movies like this one… An amazingly effective picture that becomes doubly impressive when one considers its small budget. Ultimately the fate of both characters is left unclear, either or both may have died or lived. The Terminator's eye was badly damaged during the car chase with Reese and Sarah. The living tissue covering the Terminator's body heals in a manner similar to regular human tissue. The same would also be true for injures that are sustained to a Terminator's exterior flesh that cannot be easily heal or heal at all. In this case, the T-800's eye was damaged beyond repair and, more than likely, was clouding his vision through his true cyborg eye, so he removed it to regain his perfect cybernetic vision. Sure that the Terminator has been destroyed in the fiery truck crash, Sarah and Kyle hug each other. Behind them, the android emerges from the debris, its flesh completely burned off. It follows them into a factory where Kyle turns on the automated machines in order to make tracking them more difficult. Still, the Terminator succeeds in cornering them on some scaffolding, and Kyle is forced to place a bomb in the chassis of the android. The bomb explodes, scattering pieces of the android but severely wounding Sarah in the leg and killing Kyle. While attempting to crawl away, Sarah is attacked by the top half of the Terminator's skeleton. She succeeds in luring it into a compactor and, even while it still tries to break her neck, she crushes it until its red eye fades. In the following scene, she is taken in an ambulance to the hospital while Kyle is removed in a body bag. In the final scenes, some months later, a pregnant Sarah is driving through the southwestern desert and stops at a gas station. While her tank is being filled, she continues to dictate into a cassette she is making for her son. She questions whether she should tell him about Kyle being his father and wonders whether that will affect his decision to send Kyle back in time to save Sarah. A young boy snaps her picture and asks for $5.00. She gives him $4.00 and keeps the photo (it's the same photo that John will give Kyle in the future). The boy looks off into the distance and says that a storm is coming. Sarah replies, "I know," and drives off. The Terminator Enhanced Script Presentation, with highlighted dialogue and over 300 screenshots placed in sync with the story. Not in the context of this movie. In the film we see that Kyle Reese fell in love with Sarah from looking at a picture of her which had survived Judgment Day. He describes how he was attracted to the melancholy look she had about her. In the final scene of the film we see the picture being taken and that the melancholy look is caused by the fact that Sarah is thinking of Reese, her dead love. Within the context of the first film, this should probably not be considered a paradox. What we see in The Terminator is that history is unchanging. The Terminator came back to stop John Connor from ever being born, but in doing so, it actually caused him to be born. In the first movie, time cannot be changed and there is no version of history where Sarah was not attacked by the Terminator in 1984. The second film doubles down on the circular nature of the timeline by making clear that Cyberdyne creates Skynet using technology which they reverse-engineered from parts of the Terminator which Sarah and Kyle fought. Thus, not only John Connor, but also Skynet itself are the result of the attempt by Skynet to eliminate John. The second movie, however differs from the first in arguing that time can be changed. The photograph, which is created by information from the future and then contributes to its own creation, is inspired by the time travel romance film <a href="/title/tt0081534/">Somewhere in Time (1980)</a>, starring Christopher Reeve (a difference of only one letter from "Reese") and Jane Seymour. That film, which involves Reeve traveling back in time and meeting Seymour, has a pocket watch which exists in an eternal "loop". It is never actually created but is instead passed from Reeve to Seymour and back again. a5c7b9f00b Episode 1.115 full movie in hindi free download hd 1080pExpress 831 tamil dubbed movie downloadRoll on Texas Moon hd full movie downloadRome full movie in hindi free downloadDownload the Night Stage to Galveston full movie tamil dubbed in torrentEpisode 1.16 full movie download mp4Killing a Nobody full movie hd downloadTitan A.E. download moviesA Model Top Model sub downloadThe Taking of Pelham 123 full movie in hindi free download hd 1080p
Jewelabyg replied
338 weeks ago